Dimond High School Soccer Booster Club Minutes
1. Date/Time/Location: 8 May 2001, 7:00 PM, DHS Library
2. Game Schedule: Revised game schedule was handed out.
3. Guest: Brian Hosken, DHS Activities Principal, attend the meeting to answer questions. Athletic/Activity Booster Association and Clubs brochure was distributed at the meeting.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Nothing to Report
5. Senior/Parent Recognition: Seniors/parents will now be recognized at the end-of-the-season party due to previous plans of May 5th being canceled because of weather/field conditions. June was able to ‘hold’ roses order at Carr’s, at the same price ($25). Senior shirts have been designed and will be ordered this week.
6. Concession Stand: Previous plans for May 5/12 games were canceled due to weather conditions/schedule changes. Carr’s, Fred Meyer’s, and Sam’s Club donated $25 in-store merchandise certificates. Thank you cards will be sent, along with cards to Tastee Freeze and Bagel Factory who had considered our request. Wonder Hostess had also agreed to make donation, Ana will check to see if they can donate dinner rolls instead for our party. The following was purchased with the Carr’s and Fred Meyer’s certificates: 1 24-pk Pepsi, 2 24-pk Mt Dew, 2 12-pk Wild Cherry Pepsi, 1 18-pk Coca Cola, 1 12-pk 7 UP, 1 12-pk Slice, and 1 12-pk Dr. Pepper. Sam’s Club certificate will be used to purchase food/water for the end-of-the-season party.
7. Left Over Clothing: Teams’ names will NOT be printed on the leftover t-shirts. Prices reduced: t-shirts (now $15) and sweatshirts (now $25); remaining t-shirts will be reduced further ($10) at the party. Suggestion was made to give team managers and non-paid coaches/assistants a t-shirt as a ‘thank you’ gift.
8. Team Banners/Signs: These have been ordered through Sign Shop (Old Seward) and should be ready by Thursday (May 10). Cost is $150/each (down payment for ½ of the cost has been made), size is 3 X 6. Signs are on white background with black, maroon, and yellow lettering, logo--‘Dimond Lynx Soccer’ and ball. Need team rep to be responsible for sign – need to make sure signs are rolled up with color on outside.
9. End of the Season Party: Party on Tuesday, June 5, 6:30-9:45 pm, at the Kincaid Chalet. Set-up at 6 PM and cleanup by 10 PM. Coaches need to limit their time with speeches due to timeframe. Booster Club will provide the ‘paid’ coaching staff ‘thank you’ gifts. Invitations will be mailed out to the parents (potluck with Booster Club providing beverages). Teri will get the BV/BJV/GJV mailing addresses, she has the GV roster.
10. Car Wash: Sat, May 12, at Chevron on Dimond Blvd (across from Fred Meyers). Work shifts: BV 10-12 AM; GV 12–2 PM; BJV/GJV 2-4 PM. Donations of $5/vehicle – must have one adult in charge of the money. Items needed: LOTS of towels/car wash supplies. Shirley will make flyers to post at DHS. The following adults volunteered to work: BV: Teri, June, and Shirley; GV: Ana and John; BJV: Cathy and Laura; GJV: Teri and Nancy. Shirley will check to see if hoses are available; Teri will check to see if the Campbell’s power washers can be borrowed for the whole day—Laura volunteered to loan hers. Suggestion was made to purchase the soap from Costco and to check at the Salvation Army for any ‘old/car wash towels’.
11. Pictures: Anne will contact John Hitchcock to reschedule possibly for: JV teams on Friday and V teams on Monday; she will contact the team reps when date/time is confirmed.
12. Next Meeting: Thursday, May 17 at 7:00 PM/DHS Library. Agenda: End-of-Season Party
Guest: Brian Hosken, DHS Activities Principal
where they are.