Dimond High School Soccer Booster Club Minutes
1. Date/Time/Location: 17 May 2001, 7:00 PM, DHS Library
2. Treasurer’s Report: Balance of $1,363.78 (does not include funds raised from car wash)
3. Senior T-Shirts: T-shirts will be gray, crew neck, long-sleeve, with “Dimond Lynx” in shadow colors of maroon and gold, with “Seniors” down one sleeve and player’s # on back side (10 inch #).
4. Left Over Clothing: These items will be available for sale at the Region IV games, State games, and end-of-season party. Coaches will be given an item as a ‘thank you’ gift during the party; we will also have a drawing for a vest and denim shirt.
5. Team Signs: The following are responsible to take/collect these from their respective team: BV, Shirley; GV, Ana; BVJ, Erica; and GJV, Nancy. The signs turned out great!
6. End of the Season Party: Party on Tuesday, June 5, 6:30-9:45 pm, at the Kincaid Chalet. Set-up at 6 PM and cleanup by 10 PM. Invitations are ready and will be mailed to the parents and coaches. Team reps are asked to call the players the weekend prior to the party as a reminder. Butcher paper for tables (Mary Lind); balloons, burgundy and gold streamers (Archie and Teri); raffle tickets (Ana); coolers for pop/tea (Archie and Ana); Teri will take over as ‘keeper’ of the paper products for next year.
7. Car Washes: Saturday’s, May 12, car wash was a success – raised almost $900. Thanks to everyone who helped out and to Mr. Foreaker who bought 5 pizzas and soda for the JV shift. There is a tentative car wash planned for June 2 at Chevron on Dimond Blvd (across from Fred Meyers) – Archie will confirm. Signs and posters must be in good taste – no ‘wet t-shirt, hot chicks’ wording allowed.
8. Pictures: John Hitchcock took pictures of all the teams – he will give Ana one of each team for next year’s yearbook. The booster club will order six plaques w/team picture ($20/each) as gifts for the six paid coaches. Contact John Hitchcock at http://www.sports-section.com/alaska for information to view pictures.
9. Next Meeting: This was the last meeting of the season; see you at the End-of-the-Season Party.