Dimond High School Soccer Booster Club Minutes
1. Date/Time/Location: Mar 20, 01/7:30 PM/DHS Library
2. Fundraisers:
b. Potluck/Silent Auction: Those helping in setting-up for this event need to be at the DHS Cafeteria by 5 PM. The booster club will provide all paper products. Set-up committee includes: Archie, Anne, and Ana. Clean-up committee includes: Carol and Ana. Everyone is asked to please stay and help cleanup – we will use the PTSA cleaning supplies. Archie will get the balloons (decorating) and set up the silent auction. Archie will also provide the supplies needed for both the silent/live auctions. Silent auction is from 6:30 – 8:00; live auction will follow. The following will be asked if they can be ‘Auctioneers’: Pat Peterson, Phil Ayer, and Ryan Mapala; the soccer players will be asked to ‘parade’ items. The following volunteered to sell clothing/blankets: 6-7 pm – Anne Monaco, Sally Dworsky, and Laura Kautzman; 7-8 pm – June Kinney and Ana Hogue; 8-9 pm – Kathy Carr and Kathy Newman. Don’t forget to bring your items for the auction!
c. Concession Stand: the booster club will have concessions on May 5 and May 12 (all four teams play at DHS field).
d. Eurosport: We plan on having a link to Eurosport on the web page, where we can earn 5% commission on sales originating from our site.
e. Alumni Tournament: Tournament is being planned on # of teams, coed teams, comp and/or non-comp teams. The following have signed up to help with this event: Shirley Reeves, June Kinney, Teri Hensel, Kathy Newman, and Ana Hogue. We will need a lot more people to help out. POC is Teri Hensel.
f. Split-the-Pot: The booster club will be having a 50/50 raffle on May 5 and May 12 when all four teams play at home field. Ticket sales start during the first game, raffle will end during the last game – need not be present to win.
g. Car Wash: April 14, 10 am – 4 pm, has been tentatively set for all teams to do a car wash. Teri Hensel will contact/get in writing on location to be used. It will be MANDATORY for all players to work a 2-hr shift, more if they want. We will need parents to help out/supervise. If you have the following, please bring them with you: power washer, buckets, soap, extension cords, and towels – any supplies used for car wash.
h. Bake Sale: April 2 at DHS (election day). All players will need to bring baked goods that morning by 7 AM. Please have baked goods ‘pre-cut/sliced’ and individually wrapped. Kathy Newman and Ana volunteered to work it all day – however, if parents can come by, even for an hour or two, please do so. Flyer and signup sheet will be posted at the Potluck/Auction. Team reps will make phone calls a few days prior to April 2 as a reminder to the parents.
3. Senior Night: Seniors will be recognized on May 12 in between the BV and GV games. A ‘special’ t-shirt is being worked for our graduating seniors.
4. Teams Parent Representatives: BJV – Erica Ayer; BV – Archie O’Blenness; GJV – Carole McCann and Nancy MacDonald; GV – Kathy Newman. Reps will be responsible for handing out/collecting information, contacting players, etc., and providing game scores to be posted on web.
5. Pictures: Anne Monaco will contact Sports Marketing Photographers to take team, single, and action shots of all teams on May 5. Once appointment is confirmed, pre-orders forms with players’ names will be distributed by the parent team reps. The booster club will receive a ‘kickback’ from total sales.
6. End-of-Season Party: Party for all teams will be held on June 4, 6-8 pm, DHS Large Cafeteria. Nancy Smith is working on a deal with Papa’s John Pizza for this event.
7. Next Meetings: Thursday at Potluck/Auction – March 29, 6:00 pm, Large Cafeteria.
8. Future General Meetings: April 10, 6:00 pm, April 26, 7:30 pm; May 8, 7:30 pm, and May 22, 7:30 pm. Other meetings may need to be scheduled due to fundraisers/activities.