Dimond High School Soccer Booster Club Minutes



1.      Date/Time/Location:  Mar 13, 01/7:00 PM/DHS Library


2.      Future Fundraisers: 


  1. Clothing:  Adias game bags for both varsity teams have been ordered; players will be issued bag at the beginning of the season and will return the bags at the end of the season.  Booster Club is selling/taking orders for the following at the Potluck/Silent Auction: 


long-sleeve t-shirts, burgundy, $20, all sizes available (will have Stellar logo on one sleeve)

hooded sweatshirts, $35, sizes L/XL

Folded Blankets, burgundy, $45

Vests/fleece, $40  (Ana will call Mrs.  Wolgemuth about making vests/fleece for girls’ teams)

Denim Shirts, $30


b.      Potluck/Silent Auction:  Items needed in order for this to be a success; Archie has solicitation forms and Ana has copy of solicitation letters if needed.  Silent Auction will close at 8 pm – suggestion was made to have a ‘live’ auction with Ryan as MC.  Dimond Alumni Tax number is needed – Shirley will get this for us. 


c.       Split-the-Pot:  Suggestion was made to do a 50/50 raffle at the silent auction and/or the games played at home field.


d.      Suggest was made to have an end-of-season tournament as a fundraiser.  Tentative date of Jun2, ˝ hr games, alumni-coed teams, $150/team entry fee, invitation letters will be worked.


3.      Senior Night:  Seniors will be recognized during the “Senior Game” (last home games).  Part of the profits from the t-shirts sales will go to purchase seniors a gift.  Suggestion was made to purchase ‘senior t-shirts’ – something special – unisex.  Suggestion was made to have a student photographer at the Senior Game to take photos of players with their parents. 


4.      Team Photo:  Kathy will get the name of photographer who takes ‘action shots’ and does great team photos. 


5.      Treasurer’s Report:  Cost for See’s Candy was $740, profit was $856.70.  No activities can take place on Sundays – carwash fundraisers seem to a ‘no-go’ for this year. 


6.      End-of-Season Party:  Pizza party tentatively scheduled for either May 29 or Jun 4.


7.      New Web Site:  DHS Soccer web site is:  https://members.tripod.com/dimondhighsoccer

Suggestion was made to have Eurosport posted on web page – booster club can use this as a fundraiser when players order directly from web page – need to check into he legality of this.


8.      Next Meeting:  Tuesday, March 20, 7:30 pm, DHS Library, to discuss Kick-off Potluck/Silent Auction.