Dimond High School Soccer Booster Club Minutes
1. Date/Time/Location: April 23, 7:00 PM/DHS Library
2. Treasurer’s Report: all money has been deposited.
3. Cancellations/changes: all games previously scheduled for May 12 for DHS have been canceled. We will only have a concession stand and 50/50 raffle during the May 5 games; Senior Recognition will be in between the BV and GV games on May 5. Need parents of seniors to be present. “Special” senior t-shirts will be designed, some suggestions received were: SENIOR down arm sleeve, player’s # on other sleeve, lynx logo on back, something with ‘Anchorage AK’. Need to decide on what to give the senior parents; suggestion: balloon/flower/rose.
4. Concession Stand: The following will provide gas grills (Hogue/Ayer); tents/tarps: Anne M. and Kathy N.; need signup sheets returned as soon as possible.
5. Left over T-Shirts: The names of all four teams will be added to the gray t-shirts left over; cost is $180, plus $40 set-up fee.
6. End of the Season Party: Party scheduled for June 4, 6-10 pm, at the Kincaid Chalet. Cost is $25/hr – responsible for picking up chairs, vacuuming, cleaning tables, and depositing garbage; will have ½ hour to setup. Teri will pay to reserve chalet and club will reimburse her. Invitations will be mailed out to the parents (potluck with Booster Club providing beverages).
7. Car Wash: tentative on Sat, May 12. Work shifts are: BV 9-11 AM; GV 11 AM – 1 PM; BJV/GJV 1-3 PM. Car wash will be by donations – June is working on securing location. Players need to bring markers, posters, towels, buckets, soap – car wash supplies. Need parents to help out with this fundraiser. Some parents have agreed to loan us their ‘high pressure’ hose/equipment.
8. Soccer Items: It was voted to hold off on ordering DHS ski hats until the beginning of next season – these will be sold as a fundraiser. It was decided to order the team flags (for all four teams) as soon as possible.
9. Pictures: Team and individual pictures on May 5 at the games (DHS field); order forms have not yet been received/handed out. Team reps need to make sure players’ names are on forms prior to handing them out.
10. Blanket/Fleece: members were reminded to look for fleece material/polar blankets that are on clearance. We will have one of the mom’s sew/hem together so player’s can stay warm (all four teams).
11. Buttons: It was voted to hold off on making buttons with players’ numbers (like football does) until next season due to this season being half way through and the low parent turnout at the games.
12. Score Board: The following have volunteered to be trained/run the scoreboard at the DHS field. Tom Schmidt at GV/GJV games; Bruce Carr at BJV game. Need someone to run it for the BV game.
13. GJV Vests: Some parents have generously donated money to purchase vests for the GJV team. The GJV team has chosen their own ‘Lady Lynx’ logo. Carole McCann will need to get with Shirley regarding using the Alumni Tax ID #.
14. Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 1 at 7 pm to discuss May 5th events.